Essential Guidelines for Musicians, Bands & Hosts

Please Read and Comply

Purpose of PorchFest
Stoneham Porchfest is a community-driven event, not a traditional festival. The goal is to celebrate and showcase musical talent through a decentralized effort involving bands, neighborhoods, and the community. 

Sound Levels and Neighborhood Considerations
Respect Your Neighbors: If you haven’t already, inform your neighbors about your performance. A pre-show coffee invite could be a nice gesture.

Coordinate with Nearby Performers: Check the Porchfest Map to see who else is performing around you:

If multiple bands are on your street, reach out and collaborate:
- Consider low amplification to avoid disrupting other performances.
- Discuss alternating 15-minute sets or other cooperative solutions.
- Be mindful of neighbors who might not appreciate high-decibel music.

If you’d like to host a block party and close off your street during Stoneham Porchfest, you need to apply for a "Public Event (Block Party)" permit through the Town.
You can download it
After filling it with your neighbors, please make sure to send it to us before August 21st at

Basic Courtesies and Common Sense
To ensure a joyful event without complaints:
- No Public Alcohol Consumption: Keep it off the streets.
- Respect Property: Avoid loitering in neighbors' yards or driveways.
- Keep Streets Clear: Stay on sidewalks and leave room for car passage.
- Follow Time Limits: Do not perform beyond your time slot.
- Manage Noise Levels: No excessively loud music. 

Note: Excessive noise or blocking streets are common complaints reported by other towns around Stoneham. The local police have the discretion to end performances that pose public safety issues.

By agreeing to perform, host, volunteer and/or attend Porchfest, you also agree to participate at your own risk (not that we are anticipating any issues). You agree to hold performers, hosts, volunteers, and/or organizers free of any claim for damages in the event of accident, injury, or disappointment.

Have Fun. Be Respectful. Stay Safe.

Go PorchFest Stoneham!